What is Exercise Induced Asthma?

Exercise induced asthma can best be described as a respiratory condition that affects the lower airway and it is brought on by a period of aerobic exercise that lasts for more than a few minutes.

Even though aerobic exercise is known to cause episodes of this condition to occur, there are also many contributing factors such as high pollen counts, poor air quality, poor physical conditioning, cooler temperatures, a low humidity environment and respiratory infections which also account for asthma of this type.

Symptoms of Exercise Induced Asthma

While each case is different, and many people experience attacks of exercise induced asthma in different ways, there are some common symptoms that have been reported by sufferers. These symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing, chest pain or tightness, fatigue, wheezing, gastrointestinal discomfort and a prolonged recovery time.

Who Suffers from Exercise Induced Asthma?

Anyone who has asthma runs the risk of suffering from exercise induced asthma, but it seems to appear more in children than adults. There has been no scientific reason discovered for this, but doctors believe that because children are more prone to exercise, and due to the fact that adults seem to not report these incidences, that this condition appears more in the younger generation. Athletes who participate in cold air sports such as ice skating, hockey and snow skiing are also more apt to suffer from exercise induced asthma.

Treatment for Exercise Induced Asthma

There are numerous medications on the market today that doctors prescribe for the treatment of exercise- induced asthma. Some of these medications are albuterol, pirbuterol, levalbuterol, cromolyn sodium and nedocromil sodium.

Most of these medications are taken with the aid of an inhaler, or are administered through a nebulizer. Generally, the goal of treatment is to prevent symptoms from appearing, allow for symptom free exercise and to allow the sufferer to lead a normal life uninterrupted by exercise induced asthma.

If You Suffer from Exercise Induced Asthma

Be sure to become a partner with you health care provider. They will be better able to help you effectively manage this condition if you report any and all symptoms when they occur. Be sure to take prescribed medications exactly as ordered by your physician, and know your limitations when it comes to exercise. By following these simple steps, you can lead a productive life that will not be hampered by exercise induced asthma.