Juvenile Diabetes in Younger Children

When younger children are diagnosed with juvenile diabetes is can be very hard on them.
They may not understand the severity of the disease and all of the restrictions that are
placed on them. It is going to take patience and time for them to get used to their new
lifestyle and the changes that go with it. Here are some tips to make the transition a little

Join a support group of other parents whose children have been diagnosed with juvenile
diabetes. There experience in dealing with situations that you are going through can help
to give you ideas and let you know that you are not alone on this journey. Not only can
this type of group benefit the parents, it is for the children too. It will be beneficial for
them to have friends that have diabetes too. As they grow older, these friendships can
last a lifetime based on the common link of juvenile diabetes.

In the beginning especially you may feel guilt because you are constantly saying no to
your child. It is for their own good that they can’t have treats whenever they want but it
doesn’t make it any easier. Steel yourself against the cries, begging, and whining that
may ensue and know that it will get easier as time goes on. Change is difficult for many
including kids.

As your child get older and has more experience under their belt, involve them in the
process of managing their diabetes. This will help them feel more in control of their
disease and as the same time prepare them for the time when they are going to be on their
own and have to take care of their own injections and blood glucose monitoring.

Each child is different and is going to handle the changes in their own way. Be their to
support and help your child in whatever way they need.