Lyme Disease Co-Infections You Should Know About

When you think about Lyme disease or the possibility of having it, you probably think of
that disease as the only thing to worry about. The truth is, you may also have one of the
co-infections that come Lyme disease. If you aren’t sure what this means, here are a
few of the infections that go along with Lyme disease and what you need to know about
each one.

Colorado Tick Fever

Colorado tick fever is a fever that remains high throughout the duration of the Lyme
disease being in the body. This is usually marked by a high fever and remission of that
fever. The fever then returns harder and longer than the first time it appeared. This is a
co-infection that is more popular in the western United States. It is carried specifically by
a tick known as the Rocky Mountain Wood Tick.


Babesiosis is a co-infection that is carried by a deer tick and the pacific black-legged
tick. It is most common in the northeast and west coast of the United States. It is
marked by increased and longer forms of fevers, anemia, digestive symptoms, and is
the most severe co-infection as it can lead to death. If you feel like you have been bit by
a pacific black legged tick, consult your doctor as the treatment options may change.

Tick Paralysis

Tick paralysis is carried by three different ticks. The American dog tick, Rocky Mountain
Wood Tick, and the Relapsing Fever Tick all carry this co-infection. The co-infection is
marked by symptoms of fatigue. Other symptoms that will be evident are tongue and
facial paralysis as well as severe convulsions. If you are having these issues, you will
need to skip the doctor and visit your local emergency room or emergency care clinic.


Tularemia is a co-infection that is common throughout the United States. It is marked by
more uncommon symptoms such as ulcers. You will also notice swollen lymph nodes.
This can be mistaken for swelling that occurs with throat pain and cold or flu symptoms
and may be looked over. If you are having these symptoms also note if you are having a
fever and if you are having any fevered rashes as well.

Keep in mind, you may or may not have Lyme disease and these infections. You may
just one or the other. You may also have multiple issues or symptoms of all these
things. Some symptoms do cross over into each illness and infection. If you think you
are experiencing more than just Lyme disease, have your doctor do a check and tests
for other possible co-infections.