Tips for Exercising with an Autoimmune Disease

If you are a person who suffers from Autoimmune disease, then you’re well aware the
difficulties and frustrations that come from trying to do physical activities during a period
of flare up. even though these physical activities are difficult, strenuous and
uncomfortable, exercise goes a long way to improving your quality of life. Exercise
provide long-time benefits that will strengthen your body and improve the chances of
aging well over aging into sickness. While every person is different, the challenges that
you face your goals offset the temporary struggles you face today. The next few
paragraphs will share you tips for exercising with an autoimmune disease.

Set Your Pace

One thing that it’s very important to note, is that at no time are you operating on anyone
else’s schedule. Autoimmune diseases make it difficult on some days, so you have to
be flexible in what your expectations of yourself will be. The best thing that you can do,
would be to start out at a lower workout level, and slowly increase the intensity. This will
give you room to adjust to your workout and get your body up to a higher level of
stamina for a higher level of performance. As your symptoms become less severe, you
can begin to resume a normal training program.

Pay Attention to Signs

When you begin your exercise program, be sure to pay attention to every detail that you
experienced during your workout. If you’re feeling too sick, then it probably would not be
a good idea to do a rigorous routine. Also, if your body is experiencing extreme pain,
this could be a sign that certain parts of your body are sustaining damage. This could be
caused by inflammation that’s taking place in joints and muscle tissues.

Readiness and Cool Down Time

After any sort of exercise, it’s always good to make sure that you spend some time
doing warm-ups. This prepares you for the activity that you’re about to do, and lessens
the chances of sustaining some type of injury. When you reach the end of your
exercise, it’s also important to observe a cool down time. This often involves doing
some sort of low impact, low-stress workout that is very light and easy to do. This
makes it less jarring for your body as it goes back to a resting state.

Low Impact Exercise

Some of the most beneficial exercises that you can engage in our low impact exercises.
They are exercises that are less damaging to your joints, especially your knees, ankles,
neck and back. You can try exercises like Pilates, walking, and swimming.