Testing for Candida Overgrowth

Candida overgrowth causes symptoms that exist with many other medical conditions, so
it is commonly mistreated. The problem is that when treating the symptoms individually,
you don’t actually get to the root of the problem. This is where testing comes in. If you
have a lot of symptoms of candida overgrowth, talk to your doctor about getting tested
for it.

If you believe you have candida overgrowth, talk to your doctor and request tests. There
are a few that might prove useful, including:

Stool Tests

The stool tests are the most common and likely the first ones your doctor will run to see
if you have candida. The basic stool test is one where they take a stool sample and
view it under a microscope. They might also do a culture in a lab of the stool to analyze
it for any excess yeast.

There is also another type of test called a PCR test of the stool, which looks and
microorganisms in the stool that might be a sign of candida overgrowth.

Itch Tests

A very common complaint in people with candida or yeast overgrowth is itching. These
people itch frequently and often severely, more than just when they have an infection
like a yeast infection or skin infection. If you are someone that is always itchy, and
haven’t found an outside cause for it, it might be from yeast production. Keep a log of all
the times you itch and bring it to your doctor. They may determine it is from candida,
especially if you have rules out all other causes for it.

Elimination Tests

Since candida overgrowth symptoms are similar to many other conditions, it is hard to
know right away if this is what you are suffering from. For this reason, your doctor will
most likely want to run tests to rule out other causes. If you have itching, they will look at
your skin. If you have gut problems, they might run tests or use imaging tests to look for
things like ulcers or gastritis. If you have problems with fatigue, they might run
bloodwork to look for other causes there.

This is all done to confirm the diagnosis of candida overgrowth, but also to see if other
things are going on. It is important to get as much information as possible so that you
can treat it in the right away to be most effective.