What is Fibromyalgia?

Among the multitude of diseases that exist, the ones that are most difficult to deal with
are those that are difficult to diagnose or detect. Until modern science works to find
cures and better ways of sniffing out these diseases, it remains important for people
everywhere to learn as much as they can about the symptoms of these rare conditions
so they can gain comfort and know their options before making decisions about their
health. Fibromyalgia is currently one of the most commonly misdiagnosed diseases, so
this article will be exploring information about its most common symptoms.

Those at Risk

While Fibromyalgia does at times affect men, the majority of people who suffer from
Fibromyalgia tend to be women. The women that are most affected are usually between
the ages of 25 and 65. The wideness in the gap between ages has contributed to the
difficulty in establishing common factors in the diagnosis of the disease.

Fibromyalgia Syndrome

When these symptoms exist together, they greatly increase the chances that you have,
or will develop Fibromyalgia. Some of these symptoms will include: tenderness in
certain areas, extreme fatigue, pain in the extremities, abdomen, or the entire body. It is
very common for the struggles with many of these symptoms to cause the person
dealing with them a great deal of anxiety or depression because they don’t know when
they will experience the symptoms, and they can become increasingly fearful of
experiencing them. When this set of symptoms appear together, it is called
Fibromyalgia syndrome.

Other Symptoms

Living with Fibromyalgia can present a host of challenges. The fact that it affects women
at ten times the rate of men also further complicates things. As time goes on, other
symptoms can arise that cause great inconvenience to the person suffering. These can
include: incontinence, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, confusion or difficulty
recalling information, numbness in the extremities. People often associate the type of
pain that they experience with the symptoms of arthritis, only the negative effects aren’t
focused in specific areas and can cover much larger portions of the body.


Even though there is no current cure for Fibromyalgia, positive results have come about
from mixing both traditional and natural medicinal techniques. These treatments have
included drugs, massage, exercise, and relaxation to help the body heal more
efficiently. Healing is always done best when you stay calm and keep stress at a