Irritable Bowel Syndrome: How To Fix It

Any condition, disorder, disease and syndrome with no known cause are almost lacking of an effective cure. The best resolution though is to help relieve or eliminate the symptoms to suppress the condition. But this does not imply that the condition is already treated. Only, the symptoms are for the moment, stopped.

This condition applies to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. While many cases had been studied by the medical and scientific communities, the subject still lead us no near to any cure. And so we are left with making the most of the resources available to us.

Some facets of the disease’s nature though has been discovered. For instance, we all know that the intestinal tract regularly contract and relax to facilitate the proper digestion of food. When their contraction and relaxation is disturbed, people may either feel bloated, or may experience constipation or diarrhea, depending on the speed and irregularity of contraction and relaxation of the muscles. Thus, we know how Irritable Bowel Syndrome occurs.

Nevertheless, the exact causes are yet to be found. Many leads seem to shed light on finding an effective cure but since the disease is basically a functional disorder, treatments can best be unraveled through knowing in full how the whole system works.

Here are some tips to help fix Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

Since stress is directly related with this syndrome, patients are often advised of staying away from stressful situations or atleast create a plan of managing stress. This advice is based on the reports that most patients experience attacks of symptoms after a stressful activity or during a stressful meal.

This can further be helped through practicing yoga, meditation and deep breathing.

The reasons for these are not clear. Though the scientific community knows that the digestive system is partly associated with the autonomic nervous system that controls the voluntary muscles and actions in the body.

Reports on Irritable Bowel Syndrome attacks suggest that certain foods and beverages that cause chemical interaction in the intestinal tract or can help change the movements in the colon may also trigger the symptoms.

Fatty foods are also known to trigger the symptoms. It is best to minimize the intake of foods such as ice cream or any kinds of cream-based foods, chocolate and chocolate products, substances that contain caffeine such as coffee, tea and sodas, carbonated drinks and artificial sweeteners.

To keep track of foods that irritate your colon, you can keep a journal of your daily food intake and check which foods seem to trigger the symptoms. If there are foods that cause the flare up of symptoms, you can adjust your intake and supplement them with other foods that do not have the same effects on your disorder. This activity will provide your doctor with substantial information that will lead to a well-designed treatment based on your personal needs.

Your dietician will help largely in creating a balanced diet for you while getting around the possibility to triggering attacks.

Apart from avoiding problematic foods and stress management, you might also practice healthful drinking. Drinking plenty of water along with an increase of fiber intake proves to be helpful in lessening your susceptibility to reoccurrence of symptoms. This is most effective when the prevailing symptom is constipation.

Once the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome is fixed, it is likely that there would be a temporary stoppage of symptoms. Please seek your doctor’s advice to cerate a more feasible plan of discontinuing the occurrence of the disorder.