Good vs Bad Cholesterol

When was the last time that you had your cholesterol checked? In the past, a good
amount of people knew that keeping their cholesterol monitored was an important thing
to do, but until this last few decades, science hadn’t quite discovered that there are
good types of cholesterol that can help you to live a healthier life. Now that people have
this information, they are far more equipped to deal with the challenges facing health.
The following information provides an easy guide for understanding good and bad
cholesterol. This can help you determine what you need based on your own cholesterol

LDL The Bad Cholesterol

Cholesterol exists, and is a fact of life. The type of cholesterol that is in your diet
however is a matter of choice and avoiding certain foods that are known for having a
high amount of saturated fats can help you to avoid a buildup of LDL, or bad
cholesterol. These buildups can be very dangerous to your health over time because
they can cause hardening of the arteries, which is the direct result of fatty LDL plaque
deposits. Once the plaque has built up, it can create a situation where PAD, or
peripheral artery disease, which is a narrowing of arteries that carry blood to organs or
limbs, stroke, the blockage of blood circulation to the brain, or heart attack can occur.

HDL The Good Cholesterol

The kind of cholesterol that you want is HDL. This type of cholesterol is important for
your life because it had the amazing ability to carry the bad LDL cholesterol to the liver
to disposed of and removed from the body. Studies have shown that having low levels
of HDL can be dangerous for your health as it acts as a balance to help preserve your
efficient circulation. These come from the naturally occurring fats in an astounding
amount of fruits and vegetables, so making good dietary choices remains paramount in
the fight for health.


According to science, triglycerides make up most of the fat that is kept in the human
body. These types of fats are one of the most essential parts of the energy storage
system that has developed in humans through time. Being sure to keep HDL levels high
can help you to prevent the build ups of fats in arteries, and make it harder for the bad
cholesterol to make a home in your circulatory system.