Why Too Much LDL Cholesterol is Dangerous

You’ve probably heard about the dangers of high cholesterol many times through your
life. You may have even seen commercials, cartoons or advertisements for products
designed to keep the bad cholesterol away, but why is bad cholesterol such a big deal?
Extensive research has revealed that having high cholesterol can be linked to a group
of illnesses that affect a large section of the world. Now that we know there is a major
difference between the harmful LDL cholesterol, and its helpful counterpart there is a
much clearer picture of how LDL cholesterol can be dangerous.

Peripheral Artery Disease

PAD or peripheral artery disease is a condition that can cause paralysis in the face, one
side of the body, and other complications including pain in the extremities and
numbness. This is caused by the blockage of arteries that feed blood to the affected
areas. The primary cause of this blockage is a buildup of cholesterol that comes from a
high LDL count due to poor diets and lack of exercise. Movement can help a person to
avoid the possible buildup of arterial plaque that can cause this disorder. It would be
highly advisable that any person experiencing these symptoms should see a doctor.


If you were to continually allow the symptoms of peripheral arterial disease to take
place, you would be at an advanced possibility for a stroke. Blood Flow that is traveling
to the brain can be greatly decreased or cut off completely causing serious medical
issues, and there is a chance that a blocked blood vessel could be controlling a vital
organ which can kill the stroke victim. If you have any symptoms like partial facial
paralysis, slurring of the speech, soreness in extremities, difficult moving or walking,
then you should seek medical attention immediately.

Heart Attack

If plaque buildup is able to block flow of blood to the heart this is said to be a heart
attack. When the heart isn’t strong enough to pump blood through the circulatory
system, blood isn’t being supplied and the outcome is usually death. The best way to
prevent this from happening is by making sure to modify your lifestyle in a way that
allows you have time to be physically active, and to eat foods that promote high HDL
cholesterol instead of LDL cholesterol. Medical attention should be sought out
immediately upon experiencing chest pains, jaw soreness, or numbness in the limbs.