5 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut & That Clean Eating May be Your Next Step to Healing

In recent years, the connection between your gut and your overall health has become more well known. In fact, some have gone so far as to say that 90% of illnesses can be traced back to poor health of your gut (intestinal tract).
What is so special about the gut then?

Your digestive and intestinal tracts are where you find the highest number of bacteria residing in your body. When you think of bacteria, it probably brings illness to mind. However, we are not talking about bad bacteria. This is because not all bacteria are the same. Good bacteria exist – bacteria that live symbiotically in your body, improving your health and immunity, as well as healthy functioning of your brain and digestive system. You will hear this referred to as “the gut-brain connection.”

So, if you are experiencing an unhealthy gut, replacing your good bacteria with a quality probiotic supplement may be the first step to healing. What you are doing is creating an environment that promotes the growth of good bacteria, while limiting the bad bacteria. Clean eating is another way to help get your gut or intestinal health back on track and maintain it.

However, before you do that, here are some signs that you may have an unhealthy gut that needs healing:

  1. You have been on antibiotics –
    If you have been on antibiotics for a bacterial infection, it not only kills the bad bacteria in your body that are causing the infection, but it also kills the good bacteria in your body that keep you healthy. This is especially true if no one advised you to take a probiotic supplement while on your course of antibiotic treatment, which is what you need to do. Speak to your pharmacist for advice.
  2. Digestive issues –
    Whether you suffer from gas, cramping, diarrhea, bloating, heartburn, or constipation, an unhealthy gut is a high probability. Instead of treating the symptoms with over-the-counter medications (ex. antacids for heartburn), it is better to get to the root cause of the problem.
  3. Chronic Stress and Anxiety –
    You are probably familiar with the nervous stomach you get when you have to speak in front of a large group of people, or when you are feeling anxious or stressed about something. You may even experience diarrhea as a result of the stress or nervousness. This is a good example of how the brain and the gut are linked. If you have been under a lot of stress, it can throw your gut’s natural balance out of whack.
  4. Depression –
    If you suffer from depression or a depressed mood, you need to give consideration to the health of your gut. This is because studies have found that an unhealthy gut is linked to increased incidence of depression, and that healing the gut with probiotics and other healthy, brain-boosting foods, can result in improved mood.
  5. You eat foods high in sugar –
    If you get a lot of sugar in your diet, your bad bacteria can overgrow and outnumber the good bacteria in your body. As a result, your gut isn’t functioning at its optimal level.

To conclude, these are some of the signs that are indicative of an unhealthy gut. Healing it involves replacing the healthy bacteria with probiotics and/or foods rich in probiotics, learning to manage stress and anxiety, and clean eating that maximizes valuable nutrients you can get in your food. Clean eating also involves reducing the sugars in your diet, which will also contribute to a healthier gut.