Buying Domain Name – Personal Or Business

There are several ways you can go about buying domain name for your online business or for your personal online blog. If you have a personal blog you can just use the free services at WordPress or Blogger and use your own name. If you are starting an online business, though, that is not the method you should use.

When you buy a domain name you actually own a small piece of internet ‘real estate’. As long as you don’t break any laws you can do whatever you want with that domain.

If you rely on the free sites you will be at their mercy. That may not seem like a big deal right now but if you build up a very profitable online business and Google (who owns decides that they don’t like something you are doing, they can shut your site down with no warning.

Think of what it would feel like to go to bed one night with a very successful online business only to wake up the next morning to find that your website is gone! If you think I”m just being paranoid you should ask around in the forums online and see if that has happened to anyone.

Since it only costs around $10 to buy a domain name, it’s just not worth the risk.

The next consideration for buying domain name is what should your name be? The best way to answer that is to do keyword research and compile a list of keywords associated with your niche that get high monthly searches.

With your keyword list in hand head off to some online domain name registrars like or (you can do a search and find many other domain registrars if you want to, there are a lot of them). Once there, you simply go down your keyword list until you find a domain name that is available.

So, let’s say you have a keyword that is “make money online”. You would go to a domain registrar, type in the phrase “make money online” choose your extension (I personally think it’s ok to use either a .com or a .net) and see if that domain is available. If it is you just have to check out, and it’s yours.

If you want to buy a domain name that has already been purchased by someone you can go to domain auction sites and try to buy it there. You will usually pay more since the domain name has actually been online in most cases and will already be getting traffic.

But, since it’s already getting traffic this may be a great way to jump start your business, so it’s not all bad. If you can afford it.

Buying domain name for your online business really isn’t difficult or expensive. To get the biggest bang out of your domain name just follow these simple tips. When you use an actual keyword for your domain name you will get a lot of free traffic and that is always a nice thing.