Link Building Tools

Setting up a website can be fairly easy and can be a great source of income. But the problem is, even if you set up there is no guarantee that it will be successful or get you the traffic you need to make money. The best way to make money is with back links.

There are Link Building Tools out there that can help you assemble your list of back links. This is a very important step in building up your website to be successful and making you as much money as it can.

Back links are important because they determine your websites page rank. Google uses a search bot called Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and what this does is determine where on google your website fits best.

Now we have all gone and searched on google, and you often find what you want in the first few pages. You never delve too far back, and nobody els does either. So if your website is stuck on page twenty, odds are you are not seeing much traffic. The goal is to get as close to page one as possible.

This is where back links come in. SEO uses back links to determine popularity and quality of your website. The more and better back links you have, the better your chances are of getting to first page. Link Building Tools can help you with this but there are still tips to keep in mind when building your list.

1: The first thing you should keep in mind is relevancy. Google’s search algorithms have gotten quite sophisticated and if you use back links that have really nothing to do with your website, you wont increase your page rank. So ensure you only use back links from related sites that deal with a similar topic.

2: Try to get back links from the highest ranked sites possible. You see all those websites on page one or two, you want back links from those sites. The reason for this is because those websites will have their URL in the back link, and this will essentially transfer a little of their popularity to you. So a back link from a high ranked site is worth more than one from a low ranked site.

3: Quantity is everything. While quality is important, quantity is equally as important. The more back links you have the better your chances are of climbing the page rank ladder. So you need to get as many links as possible, just do not forget that they have to be relevant. All the back links in the world will not do you any good if they have nothing to do with your website.

Link Building Tools can be quite helpful in building up your back link list. Just remember those tips to help you know how to properly use those tools. If you follow those tips you will optimize your back link list and get the most out of them which in turn allows your website to get closer to the first page, and get that ever important traffic.