Permanent Link Building

Permanent link building is the foundation for a good and successful online business. Your website is up and running but you now need to market it and let the world know of it’s existence so people can visit it. The more visitors you get the better.

Link building is the term used for building up a list of back links. Back links are what actually help you get your website out there and get it known. They work along with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to determine what page your website should be on.

Since people do not go to the higher pages, you want to get as close to the first page as you can. The closer you are to the first page the more visitors you will attain and the better your chances of making money.

There are some things you might want to consider when dealing with Permanent link building. These tips can help you with your back links and give you a good starting foundation for getting your website out there to the masses.

1. Relevancy is key. Google has wised up over the years and their search program is evidence of that. They are no longer fooled by bogus back links. What I mean by that, is back links that have absolutely nothing to do with your website. If the links have nothing to do with your website they wont count towards increasing your page rank. If they do not increase your page rank they are useless.

2. Quality is key. Just as relevancy plays a part, so does quality. You can get back links from a lot of places and they vary on how good they are. If you can get back links from the websites that populate the first couple of pages they will be worth a lot more to you than links from other, lower ranked websites.

The reason for this is because SEO detects the URL of that website in your back link. It determines that the website is popular and, since it is linking to you, you must be pretty good yourself. It gives your website a share of the popularity.

3. Quantity is key. Lastly, you want to make sure to get as many articles as you are able to. Even if your articles are relevant, or of a high caliber, if you do not have enough of them you will not progress as far as you could. Other people are out there doing the same thing you are, and if they have relevant, quality links but have more of them then they will win out. So make sure not to fall behind and to get as many links as you can.

While Permanent link building can be difficult it is by no means impossible. If you follow these basic tips they can lay the foundation for a great link building campaign that will allow your website to skyrocket through the pages. Just remember to always keep adding new and quality back links. If you let it slack you will drop down the pages, and all that work will be for nothing.