Pay Per Click Information – Your Basics

If you are new to internet marketing, you may have not yet been introduced to PPC or Pay Per Click advertising. But this type of advertising is one of the most powerful and effective ways to promote your products, build your lead list and make sales. This article offers basic Pay Per Click information for the beginner.
What is Pay Per Click?

Pay Per Click ads (commonly referred to as PPC ads) are text ads that you place on a search engine like Google, Yahoo or MSN. You construct the ad according to the criteria and guidelines of whatever search engine you are using and you bid the amount you are willing to pay each time a person clicks on your ad. The more you bid, the higher your ad will appear in the search engine results.

How do you construct a pay per click ad?

Although they are similar, each search engine has its own platform and set of instructions to help you develop your ads. But one thing that is common and crucial to your understanding of Pay Per Click information is the concept of keywords. You want to base your ad on what people are actually typing in when they do a search on the internet. How do you know what they are typing in? The search engine will be able to offer this information to you when you create your ad. So, if you want to advertise coffee mugs for example, you will be able to type these words into your PPC keyword tool and see what related words people are actually searching for and how often they are searching for them. You will use these words in your advertisement.

Once your ad is finished, anytime someone types in the words “coffee mugs” or whatever related terms you have specified in your ads, your advertisement will appear on the search engine page. Where it appears depends on how much you have bid for the keyword in comparison with how much your competitors have bid. Google, Yahoo and MSN all offer you the chance to see where your ad will be placed depending on the bid you make. You can change your bid in order to move your ranking up or down.

When just starting out, it’s a good idea to focus on low-search volume keywords so that you won’t have too much competition and your bids can still be low to get your ad ranked relatively high on the page. It will take you longer to get some traffic to whatever it is that you are promoting but you will need to go this route until you start making enough money to be able to compete with the higher-search volume keywords. One of the biggest mistakes people make when starting with PPC is to go with the most frequently searched and most competitive keywords. This is a surefire way to spend a lot of money and quite possibly not get the results that you are aiming for.

Hopefully this pay per click information has been helpful – PPC is an extremely effective form of advertising if you know how to do it the right way.