Using Banner Ads To Attract Traffic – They Still Work

There are so many different ways on the internet to gain website traffic and sometimes it can be a daunting and confusing and you just aren’t sure where to start. The internet is constantly evolving and so too are the methods for advertising as website.

Banner ads are one of the most effective ways to advertise your website. Have a look around and you will see banner ads everywhere, on personal websites, on blogs and on the search engines. The reason they are everywhere is because they work and people are making the most of them and using them whenever possible to advertise their products or website. Banner ads are very effective and can be quite low cost if you set them up properly.

Banners ads are designed specifically to promote certain products or services and are generally based on brand recognition. The ad uses its limited space to describe the product or service with enough information to make it attractive to those who see the ad. They will have a call to action to encourage people to click on the banner and visit their website.

When using banner advertising you should aim the banners toward targeted traffic so that you don’t have hundreds of people clicking on your ad when they really aren’t interested in the product or service you are promoting. If you are paying per click then this can get quite expensive so if you target specific people then you will only pay for people that really are interested in what you have to offer.

Targeted traffic = higher sales and higher profits!

There are many different methods for using banner advertising so there is no fixed campaign type. Google Adwords and Overture have a number of tools that you can use to enhance your advertising campaign and your website.

Google and Overture can give you more insight on the type of campaign that will be most effective for your business. They can help to locate the best phrases and terms to use in your banner advertising campaign. It is by using the best phrases, keywords and terms that you will get the most targeted traffic to your website. If you aren’t using targeted keywords and phrases then you are wasting your time and effort and you will be paying much more than you should be.

Here are some tips that can increase the effectiveness of your banner advertising efforts:

1. Banners have a limited amount of space so you need to use that space wisely. You need to use attention grabbing content so that the small amount of text will say something that is going to grab the attention of those who see it.

2. Add a picture to the banner so visitors will have a visual of the product. Most people respond better when they see a picture of what’s on offer.

3. Don’t use over-sized banners. Large banners may fit more on them but they won’t get you any more traffic. Large banners just seem to clutter the site where they are posted and for that reason they may actually get less clicks than a smaller banner.

4. Make your banner look professional. To have a professional looking banner you want it to be subtle but to get the point across. Don’t fill the banner with many different colors and fonts, this just looks like something a child created and not something professional. Keep it simple!

5. A banner must have a ‘call to action’ for your visitors to be more inclined to click on the ad. Although we know a banner ad is for clicking on, if one has a ‘call to action’ like a ‘Click Here’ button then you are taking charge and directing the visitors to click on the ad.

6. Make sure your content is readable and not too cluttered. You want content that is motivational to peak the visitors interest and entice them to click on the ad.

7. Always test the links of the banner to make sure that it does go through to your site. It would be terrible to be paying for advertising and your visitors not being directed to the right website.