Should You Use A Squeeze Page Generator

A squeeze page generator is something that many internet marketers look into at one time or another, but usually in the beginning phases of their online marketing training. Squeeze pages, also frequently called landing pages, or lead capture pages, are fundamental tools for list-building. They offer your visitor something in exchange for his or her contact details. The offer can be a free sample of the product or service you offer, a free consultation, a free report, etc. And obtaining and maintaining a list of qualified buyers and potential buyers is one asset that can set you heads and shoulders above those who do not have lists.

An effective squeeze page will get you good conversion rates and targeted leads. It may take some time, testing and tracking to get to the highest converting squeeze page for you if you do it on your own, or you can hire someone to do this step for you. Basically, there are three ways that you can go about creating a squeeze page.

* You can design it yourself.

* You can hire a professional to design it for you.

* You can use a template generator or a full squeeze page generator.

There are many places that offer free squeeze page templates. Just go to Google and search for that term. You will have plenty to choose from. The templates themselves are free but you will have to host them at one of the many hosting companies. While these templates are easy to use, and a good place to start, remember that their design quality is nothing special and they tend to be overused, precisely because they are so easy to use for newcomer marketers on the web. If you want to stand out from the crowd, in the long run, this is not the way to go. However, it is a great place to start until you understand how to do your own squeeze page or choose to invest into someone doing it for you.

Outsourcing is often a viable alternative to having software do your page for you. It allows you to have a custom and quality design, and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Another important point is that many generators do not give you the option to place a video in your squeeze page. And video squeeze pages are extremely effective and very quick and easy to do. Once again, in this case, either creating your own page or hiring someone to do it for you is the best choice.

It might surprise you that you can get your page and video for much less than what you would spend doing it yourself. And you can find a designer that is experienced in creating effective lead capture pages and that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. In the long run, you will probably be happy that you chose this route rather than the squeeze page generator.