Choosing an Article Marketing Service Provider

Writing an article is one thing but did you know that you must also choose wisely the article marketing service provider as well? This is because there are hundreds of these scattered on the web and some of these are illegitimate. The first thing you have to do is figuring out which one of these … Read more

Can Article Marketing Help Your Business

Can article marketing help your business? The answer is yes because not only are you able to post your articles for free but you get to reach a specific audience that is interested in your product or service. Article marketing can help your business the minute you submit these to different article directories. If these … Read more

Basic Guideline about Article Directories

The Internet has given birth to a new way and purpose to article writing. It used to be solely for the love of the craft and the glee that a writer feels when their work gets published. But the cyber world has created concepts like article directories that prompted business people to think about articles … Read more

Article Marketing Is Important

Article marketing has been used for years. From media publications, it has shifted to the web which many experts say is timeless thus making it very important in the digital age. The reason why article marketing is so important is that it will not only enhance your website with information but it will also make … Read more

An Overview of the Concept behind RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds stands for Really Simple Syndication. Other times it is also called Rich Site Summary. But both have same meanings. The first time you see this, it may appear complex. But as you go along on your information gathering venture in the cyber world, you will encounter this many times. Have you ever tried … Read more

A Beginner’s Guide on How to Syndicate Articles

You have a business. And you have a web site for that business. But you are lacking the desired traffic. You want to get the word out about your site. For this reason, you choose to write articles that are intended for marketing. Your problem now lies on how to syndicate those articles? Step by … Read more

9 Article Marketing Tips

Article marketing can do a lot for your business. You just have to know a few things and here are some tips to help you out. 1. First, you have to make sure that whatever you are writing about is relevant. If you know for a fact that your product could be very useful, then … Read more

4 Secrets to Article Marketing

Let’s say you started up your own business. The only way for the business to succeed rather than fail is for you to promote it. You can do this by paying for advertisements or get the same attention for free through article marketing. To help you get started, here are 3 secrets. 1. First, you … Read more