Camping: Have A Fun And Safe Adventure

Is nature calling to you? The best way to maximize any camping excursion is to arm yourself with knowledge of the most useful tips and tricks. If you spend enough time reviewing the ideas below, you can plan a wonderful trip every single time.

Did you know that dryer lint can make great kindling to get a campfire started? A month prior to your trip, start saving the lint you pull from the lint screen in your dryer. To make it easy to collect dryer lint, simply hang a bag next to the dryer and fill with your lint. Doing this means you can just snag your kindling on the way out the door the morning your trip starts.

Consider the erection spot for your tent carefully. You don’t want to camp very close to bee hives or ant hills. If you’re near lots of vegetation, you should wear long sleeves and pants to protect your skin from insects. Always bring insect repellent on any camping trip.

Make sure that you take into consideration all safety precautions while camping. This means staying clear of dangerous wildlife and some of the small creatures of the forest. Even small animals, such as squirrels, can pose a dangerous hazard. And, unless you’re in Jellystone Park, don’t feed any bears!

Check over your medical insurance before going on a camping trip. Sometimes going into a different state means that you will need to have an additional policy. This is especially important if your camping destination is in Canada or another country. Make sure you have prepared yourself, just in case of an accident.

When you are planning a long trip, bring games to increase the amount of fun that you have. If you pack a bunch of electronic gadgets, it might conflict with the reasons why you chose a camping trip. However, there are few things better than sitting by a lake reading a great book or relaxing by a campfire listening to music.

Try combining a swimming experience with your camping experience. When camping, you might find yourself missing your shower. Cool water will make you feel clean and fresh, so you may not miss your shower at all.

Matches in a waterproof container, flashlights, extra batteries, a hat and small size toiletries are essential for your list as you prepare to go camping. No one likes to pee in the dark, so flashlights and matches are really necessary supplies. A hat can keep your unruly hair tamed and shield you from the sun, and your toiletries will allow you to grab a quick shower, if facilities exist at your site.

One of the most common problems campers have is food poisoning from spoiled or improperly handled food. Any food that is not canned, preserved, or vacuum sealed is at risk of spoiling or causing food poisoning. Pack perishables in ice, and don’t forget to pull out the drain plug of the cooler to keep food from getting wet.

Bring trail mix and beef jerky. Nutrient filled snacks can replace the need to cook if you don’t have the means or the energy. As an added benefit these snacks have a long shelf life, so if you do not eat them while camping you can enjoy them for months to come.

Before going to a new place to go camping, you need to know what dangers may be lurking. This includes knowing the area’s deadly spiders, what the terrain is like, and whether flash flooding is possible or not. Every location has its own dangers.

Make sure that your sleeping bag is right for the season and climate where you are camping. Make sure that your sleeping bags in the summer are not too heavy. The opposite is true as well, as you need a good, heavy sleeping bag when you are going to be enduring very cold conditions. You may even subject yourself to hypothermia.

Generally when you camp, you want to live with as little as possible but still be prepared for anything. In addition to your sleeping bag, bring a couple of blankets. This can help you stay warm if it cools down at night or you may use them for extra padding.

Even in a remote site where you plan on roughing it, you can enhance your camping trip with a small piece of luxury. Bring an interesting book, some luxurious candy or even a nice fluffy pillow. Don’t bring any items that are heavy, though. These items can make your trip as pleasurable as possible.

Camping can provide an experience for a lifetime if you know how to plan it well. You should do some research before planning your next camping trip to make sure you have a positive experience. Use the tips from this article, and you can have a fun camping trip at any time.