Planning A Camping Trip? This Article Can Help!

Nothing really beats spending time with your friends and family beneath the stars. There is a reason why camping has been enjoyed by many generations of people. While it may be fun, there is a lot to keep in mind when camping. Keep reading to properly prepare for your camping adventure.

Pack extra flashlights and plenty of batteries for your camping trip. You will need a light source to see clearly once the sun sinks in the sky. After all, you don’t want to stumble in the dark, or accidentally step on a wild critter. If you have kids with you on your camping trip, hand each of them a flashlight.

Don’t forget the duct tape. It has a myriad of uses for campers, just as it does for homeowners. You can slap a piece of it on a leaking air mattress. It can repair a rip in a sleeping bag, tarp or tent. Putting some on your feet before hiking can prevent blisters. You can even use it to hold on a makeshift bandage.

Review your health insurance policy. You might need a new policy if you go to another state. This is even more of a factor if you travel to another country to go camping, like Canada. Always be prepared.

Pay attention to where you’re setting up camp. You should avoid pitching your tent near breeding areas for insects or nests of wasps, bees and hornets. Whenever you are close to a great deal of vegetation, protective clothing layers are key to stave off insect bites. You should bring insect repellant along.

A first aid session, especially if you have children, is essential. Accidents happen, and taking the right precautions will ensure you know how to better a poor situation. Be sure to research the area you are visiting. Are there any poisonous snakes, plants or any other things you should know before you head out?

Try several ways of packing your bags before leaving. Not only will you find the most space saving spots for all your items, you may also discover something important you forgot!

During your camping planning, pull out any old recipes you may have. Back-to-back days of eating nothing but hot dogs and hamburgers can get pretty tiresome. Mix it up! Look for easy-to-prepare recipes that you can cook outdoors. Do not forget to bring along your favorite seasonings and spices.

Reading books or listening to music are great ways to relax outdoors, but take in some of the scenery too. Spend some time gazing up at the night stars or trailing through the beautiful woods if you are familiar with the area. All your stress will disappear.

Look for the softest and flattest ground you can possibly find for your tent. There is nothing more uncomfortable than sleeping on a slope or a spot with a rocky surface. Also remember to put down a tarp underneath your tent as an extra layer of protection from water.

Make sure to carry a utility knife with you when you are camping. Utility knives can be quite versatile, so be sure to have an extra with you.

Don’t leave your campsite a mess! Trash bags must be packed for use when cleaning up the site. Don’t leave any food behind either. A good rule of thumb is to only leave your footprints behind.

Newspaper is a very diverse item to bring when you camp. It provides literature to kill time, but it can do more than that. If rain causes a lack of dry wood for kindling, use newspaper to get your campfire going.

Let your family members all have a decision when it comes to choosing a campsite. Have a conversation about where you want to go. The options are plenty, so do your research! This can get people engaged and ready to go camping.

Snake-proof your campsite. Set up camp away from brush piles, rock piles, thick bushes and anywhere else snakes like to hide. Always look through your things to make sure a snake has not gotten in. Keep your tent sealed, and pack the edges with sand or earth to prevent a snake from crawling under it when you’re asleep.

Plan your camping attire in advance of your trip. Consider how many outfits you will need for the number of days you plan to be on your trip and add in a few extra in case of bad weather. You should also make sure that you pack suitable clothes for the weather forecast and activities planned. Shoes that are durable enough to handle rough terrain should be worn at all times.

As you can see, preparing for a great trip to the outdoors can take careful planning and consideration. Apply all that you have learned here so that your friends and family can have a blast with you in the woods.