Do Small Businesses Need Websites?

In one word, yes! The internet is the most effective marketing tools in existance nowadays, have the capability of reaching far more people than any leaflet drop or advertisement in the local paper ever will. Should you produce your own website? It all depends on your skills, if you have the ability to produce a … Read more

Getting Started In Your Own Home Business

It seems just about everyone wants to go on the Internet these days, and make money online for themselves. This is certainly a good time to get into a work at home business, and many are showing a profit for their work. With the ease that one can be started today, is it not about … Read more

How do I Value my Small Business?

The problem with selling any small business ($500,000 and below) is how can a realistic value be put on the business. If a business is valued too high no one will be interested or worse value it too low prospective buyers will think there is something irregular. Also where it is listed for sale is … Read more

Keep It Simple And Make A Ton Of Money!

By now I am sure you have heard about the “KISS” principle (Keep It Short and Simple). The best approach in any business is to keep things simple. If you focus on the simple things that have worked for others, you will make a killing in just about any market. Here are some simple things … Read more

Small Business Network Security

How many times have you turned on the evening news to hear a story of some company that had been hacked and had the personal information of all their customers stolen? Probably quite a few. That is why small business network security is such an important topic. Today, the trend is changing. Today, more and … Read more

The Network Marketing High Income Formula

Want to be a mega-earner in network marketing? You’ll need these three qualities: Leadership, Innovation, and Commitment. Network Marketing rewards its leaders handsomely. The leaders are the ones who are willing to hold conference calls, offer their homes for meetings, or become corporate trainers. Leaders help and teach others how to be successful (regardless if … Read more

Web Advertising for the Small Business

If you run a small business, advertising costs must be figured in as part of your overall expenses. If you have received quotes for phone directory ads, business association block ads, and mostly any other print media, these costs are quite high. So, what if your budget is small, perhaps negligible? Will you be left … Read more

Your Home Based Business Can Be A Real Time Trap

The reasons people express for wanting to work from home are many and varied, but most home based business owners cite the ability to set their own hours as a major factor in their decision to work at home. However, many people that have work at home businesses often fall into a trap that flies … Read more

5 Ways to Make Money Online Without a Website

On the Internet you can find numerous ways to make money online without a website. Below are types of online program that you can join without having any website. 1.Online Surveys The idea of online survey is that you will be given a survey that has to be completed by you to earn money. This … Read more