Controlling Type One Diabetes at Home Requires Knowledge

Finding out that you or your child has type one diabetes (T1D) is something no one wants to hear. The thought of being dependent on insulin by injection or pump can be overwhelming, even though it’s your best line of defense.The biotech industry is making progress on the battlefield against T1D and constantly looking for … Read more

A Few Diabetes Concerns Came to Light Through Research

Humans are responsible for the way they respond to life, but it’s quite difficult to control the environment’s impact on our health and our medical conditions such as diabetes. It’s well known that the wrong foods can overwork our immune systems, and some can even destroy the natural helpers found in the stomach. However, there … Read more

The Biotechnical Race Attempting to Cure Diabetes Part Two

Some advancements in research have potentially brought us closer to the goal of finding a cure or better method of treating type one (T1D) and type two diabetes (T2D). Both conditions can lead to serious complications. Let’s see what further developments are undergoing research now. The Mexican Cavefish What does a fish have to do … Read more

The Biotechnical Race Attempting to Cure Diabetes Part One

Diabetes has become a global epidemic, affecting 422 million people, an increase from 100 million 24 years ago. With this trajectory, it’s become clear that developing a cure is a high priority. The biotech industry is making tremendous strides, especially for type one diabetes (T1D). Type two diabetes (T2D) is also concerning because it comes … Read more

Various Traditional Diabetic Medications Offer Pros and Cons

Diabetes is no different from other chronic conditions in that it also requires treatment with medication. Type one (T1D) diabetics have to rely on insulin because their bodies cannot produce this glucose regulating hormone.Type two (T2D) diabetics often require medications, but they can supplement their traditional drugs with lifestyle changes and autophagy to dramatically improve … Read more

Diabetic Complications That Promote Research and Development

Diabetes is a long-term condition that can possibly be reversed in some cases, and in other cases, it can be managed more efficiently to avoid potential complications. Learning about the dangerous complications of diabetes can help you take precautions to prevent these bad outcomes. The journey to better quality health starts with knowledge. Potential Complications … Read more

Type One Diabetes Versus Type Two Diabetes Explained

If someone is asked to describe their health, they’ll usually say that they’re diabetic. Most people don’t mention whether they have type one or two diabetes. Both conditions cause the body to struggle with glucose storage and usage. Glucose is used by the body to create energy, and diabetics have impaired ability to collect the … Read more

Potential Complications for Women with Diabetes

If you are a woman with diabetes, it is essential that you see your doctor regularly and follow all recommendations to help manage the disease. You also need to be aware of the potential complications, which are much more common if you don’t follow your doctor’s orders. Here are some complications to be aware of. … Read more

Risk Factors of Diabetes for Women

Many of the risk factors of getting diabetes, both type 1 and type 2, are similar to men. However, there are some instances where as a woman, you might have some different risk factors. By knowing these risks, you have a good chance at avoiding diabetes, particularly with type 2 diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes The … Read more

Senior Women with Diabetes

A woman of any age can get type 2 diabetes, but it is no surprise that it does tend to be more common for older women. If you are of senior age, you might have a higher concern about having diabetes, and experiencing some of the related complications. Take a look at the following information … Read more