Autism and the School System

Autistic children will have special needs when it comes to schooling. Many children with Autism go to public school and do just fine with some special modifications. There are laws pertaining to kids with disabilities. Here are some of the things you will need to know about Autism and school. The Individuals With Disabilities Act … Read more

Tips for Celebrating Holidays with Your Autistic Child

The holidays are all about being with family and enjoying the festivities. This can be very difficult for a child with Autism. This does not mean the holidays are ruined, it just means that as a parent you will have to take some precautions. Here are some tips for celebrating the holidays with your Autistic … Read more

Autistic Children Need Schedules

Schedules are an important part of every child’s life. This is especially true when dealing with a child of special needs like Autism. Having a schedule will help the Autistic child feel a sense of structure. Children with Autism often have anxiety issue they are dealing with. Having a schedule helps the levels of anxiety … Read more

Tips for Getting your Autistic Child Photographed

The needs of an Autistic child can be photographing them very difficult. They can have a hard time sitting in one position, or have sensory issues with bright lights. Here are some tips for getting the perfect picture of your Autistic child. 1. If you are going to a photographer make sure you let them … Read more

Can Autism be Cured

This is a question that every parent of an Autistic child will ask at some point. The answer is no. There is no cure for Autism. While you may see ads for books, or products that promise a cure for Autism, they are misleading you. Autism has no cure. There are lots of treatments that … Read more

Traveling With an Autistic Child

Daily life with an Autistic child can be a challenge to say the least. What should you do if you are traveling for vacation, or another purpose? Lets look at some things a parent can do when traveling with their Autistic child. 1. Plan ahead. If at all possible plan trips far in advance. This … Read more

Dairy Free Diet to Treat Autism

Parents are turning to their child’s diet to when treating Autism. Some believe that Autistic children have a food sensitivity. They believe dairy, also known as Casein, is one of the foods to cause problems with Autistic children. Removing all dairy from your child’s diet can at first seem very difficult to do. Most kids … Read more

Treatments for Aspergers Syndrome

There is not one set treatment for Aspergers syndrome. You will not find a medication that will cure a child with Aspergers. Instead you will find several treatments to help with the problems associated with Aspergers syndrome. Here we will examine some of the treatments used with Aspergers syndrome. Social Skills Training Children with Aspergers … Read more

Gluten Free Diet

The Gluten free diet consists of removing any foods from your Autistic child’s diet that contain Gluten. This can seem hard at first because so many foods do have Gluten in them. Gluten is found in most prepared foods. Foods containing wheat, barley ,oats, or rye need to be eliminated from the diet. Gluten can … Read more

What are the Signs of Aspergers Syndrome

Aspergers is a form of Autism. People with Aspergers syndrome are on the higher end of the spectrum. They usually have normal language skills. Their main problem is dealing with people socially. Usually these problems are first noticed when a child begins school. The child can have all the signs of Aspergers, or only a … Read more