Feng Shui Tips for Business

Feng shui has not only been used for achieving harmony and balance in life and home. It can also be used to achieve success in business. Feng shui and business go together especially in the orient. And in the West, some businesses have already tried applying the practice in trying to ensure success. Here are … Read more

Advantages of Applying Feng Shui in Your Life

Many people are fascinated with Feng Shui and with many good reasons. While others generally believe that it is just some oriental superstitious set of paradigms on interior design (but that is just part of the extensive definition for Feng Shui), the Feng Shui that we know now is actually comprised of various schools of … Read more

Harmonizing with Feng shui

Perhaps one of the oldest forms of geomancy in the world is Feng shui which originated from China more than 3500 years ago. This ancient practice is literally translated as wind and water and is based on the belief that life can be greatly improved with the help of Qi or energy flow. This Qi … Read more

Clutter and Feng Shui

Part of having good feng shui is clutter management. If anything, clutter is the biggest hindrance you can have for the best flow of chi, prosperity and goodness in your life. However, few people are able to manage their clutter wisely. On a daily basis, we get tons and tons of stuff we won’t be … Read more

Love, Relationships and Feng Shui

If you think that Feng Shui is only good for your home or your office, think again. This can also be used for love and relationships. Here are some tips you should know. 1. If you are married or in a relationship, hang pictures of you together with your mate. 2. For married couples, place … Read more

Concepts Behind Feng Shui

Feng Shui is more than just rearranging furniture, it’s a lifestyle. And lifestyles involve mindsets or concepts that are prevalent. Feng Shui experts just say no to some things without reason. Most of the things they do come with a line of reasoning that may not necessarily be embraced by many people. Nonetheless, it is … Read more

Profiles of Feng Shui Enthusiasts

Feng Shui enthusiasts have different niches. Different personalities and cultural backgrounds are incorporated into the Feng Shui attempts. The good thing is that you do not have to limit yourself to a certain make to be able to apply Feng Shui. However, it may do you a lot of good if you are able to … Read more

Creating a Harmonious Feng Shui Home with Colors

Color is something that Feng Shui makes use of in attracting positive energy into our living space. When you are planning your home’s color schemes, you should pick accordingly to the kind of energy you need. This guide will assist you in choosing the best colors for you to come up with a harmonious home. … Read more

Simple Feng Shui Tips for the Home

Part of an ancient Chinese art and science, feng shui is basically concerned with the harmonious relationship between man and his environment. It is based on a Taoist idea that nature is alive and has energy in different forms. Many modern aficionados assert that feng shui is the practice of arranging objects, such as in … Read more

Decorating Your Home With Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the practice of bringing good fortune by achieving balance between various elements. In the US, more people are beginning to consult Feng Shui experts in decorating their homes. For you to understand what they say, you need to learn the basic Feng Shui areas that need your attention so you will be … Read more