How to Report Spam Abuse

Spam is as prolific as the leaves on the trees and because there are so many kinds of it, it is a challenge to find the right site or organization to report spam to. Each type of spam will violate the law in one way or another and each can be prosecuted if it can … Read more

What is the Harm with Spam?

In the early days of the Internet, spam was little more than an irritating nuisance. However, like every other aspect of the Internet, spam has evolved to become something far more nefarious in nature. To understand just how big a problem spam has become, it will help to realize the sheer volume of unsolicited junk … Read more


Phishing is an email spam scam that is specifically used to commit identity theft. Its sole purpose is to scam you into divulging personal information, which they can use to perpetrate identity theft. This includes passwords, card numbers, birth dates, PINs and other vital personal data. The term came into use to denote the way … Read more

Whitelists – The Ultimate in Spam Protection

Whitelists are quite possibly the single most effective form of spam protection available on the market today. They are as close as you can get to totally eliminating spam from your inbox. A whitelist is a database of trusted email addresses, IP addresses and domains. To build the list, each one of these trusted sources … Read more

Popular Email Scams on the Internet Today

Phishing Scams: “Phishing” is a high-tech scam that uses spam or pop-up messages to deceive you into disclosing your credit card numbers, bank account information, Social Security number, passwords, or any other kind of confidential personal information. Identity theft is the goal of this scam. The phisher sends you a fraudulent email that is designed … Read more

Protect your Kids from Spam

Spam is commercial email that is sent out in bulk to millions of people without their consent. It is may contain advertising messages for regular products and services but increasingly, it is email of an inappropriate, offensive or malicious nature. Today, many children have an email address that they use to email their friends, submit … Read more

5 Tips to Protect Yourself From the Spam in Your Inbox

You will inevitably receive some spam in your inbox – there is no getting around that fact of life. How you handle this unwanted junk mail will go a long way toward reducing or increasing the amount of spam you will receive in the future. It may also protect you from viruses, credit card fraud, … Read more

Spam -What is Your Protection Under the Law?

Spam has become an ever-increasing problem in recent years, costing legitimate businesses a great deal in both time and money. In response to the growing threat from spam, new legislation was enacted in 2003. it was called: Controlling the Assault of Non Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act (CAN-SPAM act). This act created some requirements for … Read more

The What, Who, Where and Why of Spam

Spam was once just clutter in your inbox; now it is a commonly used vehicle for fraud, electronic crime and even corporate espionage. The 4 Ws of spam answer the most commonly asked questions about spam. What is Spam? Spam, also called junk email, is generally defined in the Internet industry as unsolicited commercial email … Read more