Advantages of Learning to Master a Guitar

Sure you can be the life of the party or someone who is really adored by music lovers or, the list goes on. You can play really good music through the strumming of your guitar. And people would scream out “Encore!” That would be really nice isn’t it? Do you like the idea? Well, read … Read more

Basic Guitar Lessons for Free

Thinking of how to learn guitar without paying such an enormous amount on an instructor? Problem solved. This article will prove that learning to play and master a guitar need not be expensive. There are two practical ways to learn how to play a guitar. First would be through finding someone who knows all the … Read more

Learn to Play Guitar with Amp through Instruction Books

Some people prefer to learn new things by themselves. Most of these individuals are more comfortable working alone and resent learning with other people. This is also true with guitar playing. Those that don’t want any audience as they practice would rather learn to play the guitar alone and through the use of instruction books. … Read more

Taking Easy Lessons with an Acoustic Guitar

An acoustic guitar is a wooden instrument that’s shaped like the number eight and has a hole at its middle part. Often mistaken as a classical guitar, an acoustic guitar is hollow and is composed of six strings made of steel. These strings, when struck, produce sound. Enough of the slight introduction. That just gave … Read more

Elements on Learning and Mastering a Guitar

There are only 3 essential elements on how to learn to strum your way through guitar lessons. First, purchase your own guitar. Borrowing can bring so much fuss considering the fact that you might destroy or ruin somebody else’s guitar. If the price isn’t reaching the money at hand, go for something cheaper. Better yet … Read more

Play the Guitar-Fast, Easy and Efficiently

Not everybody is gifted with the art of music. Some can sing with it or dance with it but only a few chosen ones can actually play a specific musical instrument. It would take all of your endearing overflowing patience and precious, precious time to create one piece of melody and make it whole. This … Read more

Learn Bass Guitar Playing

There are different types of guitars. You will often notice this when bands are playing. Have you ever tried playing a bass guitar? If you don’t know how to play one, then you can start to learn bass guitar playing. Did you know that bass guitar playing is very easy? It is among the simplest … Read more

Online Lessons for Guitar Playing

Tired of the old and conventional way of learning to play a guitar? Most beginners depend on self study. Yet they find it hard to create something out of completely nothing. If you really love to play the guitar but you don’t have anyone to guide you, the best advice would be trying an online … Read more

Learning to Play the Chords

To learn reading the chords of a guitar, one must have the basic knowledge on what a chord is and how is it produced. Introduction A chord is a set of tones producing a melody and is played on a guitar. The chords of a guitar can be made up of different notes that are … Read more