Dangerous Bad Habits

Some bad habits are just annoying, but others are actually dangerous. It is these dangerous bad habits that can really get you in trouble. Some people like to take risks. Others do not think about how their bad habits could affect them. Bad habits can be nothing more than not paying attention to your physical … Read more

When Are Bad Habits Helpful?

Some bad habits can actually turn out to be helpful. They may cause trouble most of the time. Yet, there are those instances when they seem to fit the situation perfectly. Since most people have at least some bad habits, it is probably good that they have a helpful side. Some people have bad habits … Read more

Emotional Bad Habits

The question of whether moods constitute bad habits is an interesting one. Many mood disorders have been identified. These and other psychological problems are seen by some as strictly bad habits. In fact, it has been shown that continuing to dwell in your present mood perpetuates it. When you decide to pretend you are happy, … Read more

Financial Bad Habits

It is easy to get into bad habits with financial matters. Few people have enough money to simply buy what they want without a thought. Most people have to plan their purchases and stay vigilant to keep themselves solvent. Many people have bad habits of getting too far in debt with credit cards. The cards … Read more

How Good Habits Can Turn into Bad Habits

It is not uncommon for good habits to morph into bad habits. This often happens when good habits are taken to an extreme. This is why people should be aware of their behavior, even when it might seem positive. People who want things to be the very best can seem to be very upbeat people. … Read more

How to Break Bad Habits

There are hundreds of bad habits and hundreds of ways to break them. if you need help, there are books, support groups, and counselors to help you. Mostly you can take a common sense approach and get the job done. If bragging is one of your bad habits, you could either be insecure or overly … Read more

Illegal Bad Habits

Some bad habits are not only illegal. They push the envelope of what can be considered merely bad habits. However, in a way they are bad habits. They are definitely bad, and they happen frequently enough to call them habits. Serious fighting can be illegal bad habits. This is the kind of fighting that leads … Read more

Inconsiderate Bad Habits

Some bad habits are just plain inconsiderate. The person does their behaviors without a thought to the person he is affecting. A little attention to the feelings of others would stop many of these bad habits in their tracks. Many people have inconsiderate bad habits in the kitchen. You will find them drinking from the … Read more

Irritating Bad Habits

Some bad habits can irritate the people around you. These habits can grate on peoples’ nerves until they feel like physically stopping you themselves. Some of them are nervous habits and others are thoughtless behaviors. Some bad habits have to do with shopping. You can really irritate someone if you have the bad habit of … Read more

Addictive Bad Habits

The question is: “Are addictions actually bad habits?” According to the habit model of addiction, they are. This theory of addiction states that the only reason to say there is a difference is to persecute “addicts.” People with bad habits of smoking often feel much persecuted. While smoking is not illegal (at least not yet), … Read more