Speech Therapy Diagnosis: Autism

Before a child could undergo speech therapy with the diagnosis of Autism, he should pass a criteria of characteristics first that is given by the DSM-IV. So here are the criteria for a child to be diagnosed with such conditions. Autistic Disorder Criteria: Social Interaction First off, a child should have impairment in social interaction. … Read more

Speech Therapy Fluency Shaping: A Different Approach

There is a lot of fluency shaping techniques used in speech therapy for fluency disorders. However, due to the advancements of technology, a new kind of fluency shaping approach is now available. This is possible by the use of biofeedback mechanisms. Fluency Shaping At A Glance In fluency shaping therapy, motor skills are acquired. But … Read more

Want to Reduce Stress? Get Some Sleep

If you don’t get the right amount of sleep, your mind cannot be at its best. You won’t function properly and may make some serious mistakes. Unfortunately, stress can cause people to stay awake at night. However, getting the right amount of sleep can help eventually reduce your stress levels. To get better sleep, start … Read more

Avoiding Bad Habits

Would it not be nice if you could avoid bad habits instead of having to quit them after starting? No one will avoid all bad habits. There are just too many to stay away from them all. Yet, you can reduce the number of bad habits you have to conquer. There are certain bad habits … Read more

Medical Treatments for Bad Habits

Can bad habits be cured through medical treatments? Some say yes; they have succeeded in overcoming their addictions through science. There are many medical treatments for smokers and others who want to block their cravings. For smokers, there is a variety of nicotine replacement options. Nicotine patches are probably the most popular for bad smoking … Read more

Bad Habits Can Be Expensive

Bad habits can be very expensive to maintain. Never mind that they are annoying to others. Do not think about the pain you cause yourself, if you do not want to. Just remember that your bad habits are hitting you where it hurts-in your wallet. Smoking has always been a bad habit to have. In … Read more

Picking Up Bad Habits from Others

You may feel that you have evaded the bad habits that many people have. That is, you feel that way until you catch yourself picking up the bad habits of others around you. The other person may pass on their habits intentionally or not, but they affect you all the same. You can pick up … Read more

Bad Habits in Relationships

People often come to relationships with bad habits when it comes to getting along with another person. They may have every intention of making a relationship work, but ingrained trends stop them from truly connecting. There are many such bad habits. Jealousy plagues many otherwise good relationships. A boyfriend might always suspect his girlfriend of … Read more

Research about Bad Habits

Bad habits plague many people in one form or another. We want to know what causes us to fall into bad habits. Questions arise about how are the best ways to quit. New research gives new answers and confirms some of the old ones. Some research has been done to find out what motivates people … Read more

Bad Habits in Sports

Sports are fun to watch and to play, as long as you curb your bad habits. To be successful at any sport, you need to develop the behavior patterns that will lead to winning. A part of this is avoiding certain bad habits. Taking care of the body should be of utmost importance to anyone … Read more