The Common Kinds Of Allergies

Different people have various ranges of thresholds for the allergic reactions. Some may react too much while the others have minimal sufferings. At the same time, these are those who are lucky enough not to be confronted by this kind of experience. Anyhow, there are various types of allergies known to man. They are differentiated by means of their nature, symptoms, and norms of attack. Read on for their brief descriptions.

Pet allergy. Normally, the allergic reaction to pets persists if some people keep more indoor cats and dogs and they simply can’t get rid of them. In this case, the affected individuals may opt for the allergy shots. These types of treatments are administered by the physicians.

Hay fever. This one is more popularly known as allergic rhinitis. It is the inflammation or irritation of the very sensitive linings along the nose and the eyes. This one is generally characterized as seasonal. The symptoms come around when the pollen and the rest of the airborne particles are rated at the highest levels. The allergic reaction is practically caused by grasses, pollens, dust particles, pet dander, and mold spores. This is a kind of condition that can be passed on from one family member to another.

Dust mite allergy. Considered as insects, the dust mites are closely related to the tick and spider families. They are commonly found in the homes and they are too small to be seen by the naked eye. They grow considerably in the humid areas and feed on dead human skin and a lot other airborne bacteria. To prevent them from inhabiting your home, it will be best to use HEPA filters and lessen the humidity.
Mold allergy. People are more prone to mold allergy at the height of the summer season. The allergic reaction is brought about by the native household molds. Again, molds thrive in the moist environment. It will be best to lessen the humidity in your house.

Asthma. This is characterized by the inflammation of the airways and lungs as a result of the inhaled allergens or the high sensitivity to some chemicals or odors. These factors may trigger the asthma symptoms. Among the effects are breathing troubles, shortness of breath, and other related allergy indicators. The attacks are generally considered to be temporary but it pays to have the spray medication ready at all times.

Allergic eczema. This is also known by the name atopic dermatitis. It is an allergic rash which may or may not be prompted by the physical contact of the skin with an allergen. This is also closely linked to asthma or allergic rhinitis. The common symptoms are rash on the face, around the eyes, behind the knees, and in the elbow creases, along with the redness, itchiness, and the dryness of the skin.

Food allergy. This kind of allergy is considered to be deadly since they are ingested and are more difficult to remove. The effect may be felt as some kind of mild irritation, slight itchiness in the mouth or in the back of the throat or inside the ears.

The severe reactions take the form of inflammation in the airway and the blocked passageway. If left untreated, it may result to death. Peanuts, powder oil, gluten, lactose, and the likes usually provoke the symptoms.

As always, it is best to know beforehand which allergies you have so you can take the necessary precautions.