Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes versus Type 2 Diabetes

In the majority of cases there will be warning signs and symptoms that something is
wrong and that you need a check-up at the doctor. There are similar warning signs that
overlap with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. But there are also symptoms that are specific to
each type of the disease.

Symptoms for type 1 diabetes can include:

* An increased thirst that is not satisfied after drinking extra fluids
* A frequent need to urinate (more than normal)
* A dry or fuzzy feeling inside the mouth
* Unexplained and sudden weight loss
* Feeling light-headed, weak or dizzy
* Sight problems such as blurry vision

Symptoms for type 2 diabetes can include:

* Sharp or numbing pain in the legs
* Cuts or bruises that take a long time to heal
* Recurrent yeast infections
* Sight problems such as blurry vision
* An increased thirst that is not satisfied after drinking extra fluids
* A frequent need to urinate (more than usual)

Many of these symptoms do not always mean diabetes is the problem they can also be
indicative of other medical problems. It is a good idea to seek medical attention if any of
these signs show up. Symptoms for type 1 diabetes usually come on very rapidly
whereas symptoms for type 2 diabetes may develop gradually over time.

In young children who are experiencing any of the symptoms it may be hard to tell if they
are just having a bad day or are really sick. Keep a close on them, especially if they are
younger and may not be able to articulate how they are feeling very well. It is better to
err on the side of caution and book a doctor’s appointment if there are any concerns that
you might have.