Lyme Disease: An Overview

Lyme disease is something that many people have heard about, but may know very
little concerning. You may have heard rumors of how you can contract the disease, how
long it lasts, or even what it does to the body. There is a lot more to Lyme disease than
you may even think. Here is a basic overview of the disease and what you should know
about it and how to avoid it or treat it depending on your situation.

How Lyme Disease is Contracted

Lyme disease is contracted from being exposed to a bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi.
This bacteria is carried by ticks known as deer ticks or back legged ticks. The ticks carry
the bacteria and pass it to you through bites and burrowing into your skin. You can
come in contact with these ticks by being in heavily wooded areas or around animals
that carry the tick and pass it on to you through direct contact.

What Lyme Disease Does to the Body

There are certain symptoms that you will start to notice when you contract Lyme
disease. You will likely first notice a rash that may show up within a few days or as
many as 30 days. You will also notice flu like symptoms that do not seem to go away or
come back after only a few days. If the Lyme disease is not treated it will start to affect
your body in other ways. One of the ways is by joint pain and eventually neurological
problems. In severe cases, this can leave you with meningitis or Bell’s palsy which
causes paralysis in the face.

Treatment Options for Lyme Disease

There are several treatment options for Lyme disease. Antibiotics can be given within a
few days of the infection. This allows you to recover totally from the Lyme disease. If it
is caught soon enough, the antibiotics can work quickly. This is done through an oral
antibiotic treatment. Antibiotics is the primary form of treatment, but you may also try
dietary changes as well. You can also use natural methods to help with inflammation
and soreness you will experience from the Lyme disease.

By knowing the basic information in this overview, you will be better prepared if you or
someone you know contracts it. You will know the proper steps to avoid getting Lyme
disease yourself.