How Humans Get Lyme Disease

You may know what Lyme Disease is, but what you may not know are the ways in which you can contract it. Some people list deer ticks as a method of contracting Lyme Disease, but the knowledge of that method seems to stop at that point. There is a lot more to know about how … Read more

How to Deter Ticks From Your House

When you are trying to deter ticks from your life, you may think about your backyard. You may also think about reducing the chances that you encounter ticks by avoiding certain areas, using certain natural lotions or sprays, or other methods. One area you may overlook is deterring the ticks from your actual home. This … Read more

How to Use Essential Oils For Lyme Disease

Essential oils are something nearly everyone has heard of in one way or another. At the most basic level you have probably heard of using essential oils for relaxation. You can put them in a diffuser and fill the area for a form of therapy. What you may not know is that some essential oils … Read more

Lyme Disease: An Overview

Lyme disease is something that many people have heard about, but may know very little concerning. You may have heard rumors of how you can contract the disease, how long it lasts, or even what it does to the body. There is a lot more to Lyme disease than you may even think. Here is … Read more

Lyme Disease and Drinking Alcohol

When you find out you have Lyme disease you may told several things about your treatment. You will be told what dietary options should change, what you can do to reduce issues with the disease, and even some ways to cure it. What you may also be told is that there are risks of drinking … Read more

Lyme Disease Co-Infections You Should Know About

When you think about Lyme disease or the possibility of having it, you probably think of that disease as the only thing to worry about. The truth is, you may also have one of the co-infections that come Lyme disease. If you aren’t sure what this means, here are a few of the infections that … Read more

Medical VS Natural Remedies For Lyme Disease

After the initial diagnosis of Lyme disease, you may be facing a variety of choices. One of those choices is going to be between medical and natural remedies. If you aren’t sure what the differences would be, or even what you need to know about the benefits or cons of each treatment then here is … Read more

Natural Remedies For Lyme Disease

When you hear about Lyme disease, you may not think of it has having a cure at all. If you do think of cures when you think about it, you likely think of medications and chemicals. What you may not know is that there are natural remedies for Lyme disease that you can use as … Read more

Natural Ways to Keep Ticks Out

Ticks are not a problem throughout the country. For example, if you live in a very metro environment or in inner city locations, you may not have as many run ins with ticks as you would in the country. Regardless of where you live, you may still have issues with ticks if you go camping, … Read more

Safety Tips When Going on Hikes

Lyme disease can scare you when you see it in action. So much so that some people tend to back off from things that deal with the outdoors. The truth is, you should not stop doing the things that you love just because you had a Lyme disease scare. If you are into hiking, camping, … Read more