Benefits of Eating Fermented Foods

You may have heard about fermented foods and you may have also heard people claim how great they are. You may hear people say they could not live without their fermented foods. These are all statements that may lead you to wonder what the real benefits of the foods are exactly and how they may actually benefit you in your daily life. Here are a just a few of the benefits of eating fermented foods that may help you with your daily life.

Gut Health

One of the biggest benefits of eating fermented foods deals directly with your gut health. The fermentation process requires live cultures. These live cultures, and probiotics, help break down food and give good bacteria back into your system. This good, or healthy, bacteria helps to clear your digestive tract and help food move through your system. As this breakdown and clearing occurs, you will notice a reduced amount of irregularity and reduced toxins remaining in your system causing other issues.

Weight Loss

If you are trying to drop a large amount of weight, and you are having problems, the issue could be related to a buildup of toxins in your systems. This buildup can lead to a digestive issue that makes it difficult to move food through the system causing it to be retained and adding to your weight. Fermented foods help with this by assisting your body in breaking down foods and moving them through your system. They also help with fatigue and with issues of a sluggish feeling during or after a workout. They can boost your metabolism, which also helps with weight loss.

Reduced Autism Symptoms

There are many parents of autistic children that may have been told of the benefits related to fermented foods. There have been studies that have shown how fermented foods can help reduce autism related symptoms and issues. In fact, some parents have claimed that their children with autism, who have had fermented foods introduced into their diets have shown more attentiveness and less stimming and anxiety.

Reduced Tension and Anxiety

If you experience symptoms of anxiety and stress, you may find relief from adding fermented foods to your diet. There is a direct relation to your gut health and your anxiety or tension. If you have poor gut health then you likely will experience an irritable stomach that can cause discomfort throughout the day. This discomfort may also lead to inflammation that causes more discomfort. These issues combined can lead to tension in the body and anxiety. Fermented foods can reduce this chain of events by assisting in digestion and cutting down on inflammation that leads to the tension your body may be feeling.

All of these benefits can be combined and do not have to be stand alone benefits. These are not benefits that are specific to one type of lifestyle, person, or situation. They are the basic core benefits of eating fermented foods and just the tip of the benefits iceberg.