Simple Infused Water Recipes to Start With

Infused water can be a really awesome and fun way to get a few nutrients. Another
great thing about it, is that your body will love it because actual water is way more
hydrating than any of the drinks that are marketed and being great for hydration. One
thing you might be wondering though, is how to get started with making infused water.
Fortunately, you’re about to begin reading an article that contains everything you’ll need
to know about making your very own batches of infused water.

What You’ll Need

In order to make these recipes, you’ll need just a few things. First of all, you need a
good container like a large jar that seals shut. Fill it a little more than ¾ the way up with
some filtered or tap water, and grab your favorite ingredients. Pitchers are also great for
infused water if you want to make a larger batch.

Citrus and Mint

Here is a really great recipe that will refresh and cool you down. Find your favorite citrus
fruit and cut it into fourths. Slice each of the fourths into slices with peel that are about a
centimeter wide and place them in the container filled with water. Grab a few pieces of
freshly picked mint leaves, and you might even want them still on the entire shoot. Let
the drink sit for at least 4 – 5 hours before drinking because mint will take some time to
absorb completely. Ice can be optional.

Kiwi Blackberry

This is a great recipe full of powerful antioxidants. Peel 2 kiwis and slice them into coins
that are about half a centimeter each. Place the kiwi slices into the water, then lightly
agitate or lightly break apart some blackberries and drop them into the water. Be sure to
let the mixture sit for a while until the water begins to take on some of the color of the
berries. Once the water no longer gets any darker than it is ready.

Pineapple Cucumber

This drink can be great and help you to get extra water off of your body. Slice the
pineapple into about 3 – 4 rings that are about a centimeter wide, and then cut the rings
in 8 sections. Cut the cucumber into coins that are about a half centimeter or less in
thickness, and place all of it into the water. Let the water sit until it begins to color, or
about 4 hours.