Fitness Gear for Your Walking Routine

Walking is an easy way to get more exercise and improve your health, often costing
next to nothing to do. But there is some fitness gear that can help improve the walking

What Kind of Walk Are You Doing?

In order to know what fitness gear you might need for your walking routine, you need to
think about the type of walking you are doing. This includes where you plan to walk, for
how long, the weather conditions, and if you tend to get bored with your walk.

Will you be going on a hike? If so, the type of shoes you wear and what you bring with
you will likely change. Are you going to be walking in the heat? You definitely need to
bring a water bottle with you and should probably wear moisture-wicking clothing.

Choosing the Right Walking Shoes

Make sure you choose walking shoes that fit the shape and size of your feet, feel good
on your arch, and are flexible and comfortable for you. Don’t just wear the 5-year-old
athletic shoes that have been sitting in your closet, mostly unused. Feet change over
time, so these shoes might end up causing a lot of pain, especially on longer walks.

Get good, high quality walking shoes that offer flexibility, cushioned insoles, and allow
for proper movement of your toes.

Arm Band for Your Phone

It can help a lot to use an arm band, which goes around your arm and holds your phone
in place. This keeps you hands-free and prevents you from accidentally dropping your
phone – you definitely don’t want that! There are different kinds of arm bands, most of
which are pretty inexpensive. Just test it out at home first to be sure it is secure before
you actually use it outside.

Fitness Tracker

People often don’t realize how many advantages there are to wearing a fitness tracker
while they walk. There are so many reasons to use one. It is going to track your steps,
letting you see how active you are not just on your walk, but all day. It will tell you how
many calories you burned during your walk to help you reach your goals, and some of
them include your route if you are walking outdoors.

Fitness Clothing

For your fitness clothing, you want to be comfortable, so look beyond just finding an
outfit that is stylish. Make sure the leggings are comfortable, not too tight, but not too
loose. You shouldn’t have to tug at them or adjust them constantly, which is why high-
waisted leggings are ideal. Wear a supportive sports bra if you are female, making sure
it fits you and provides enough support even if you tend to do a little running during your
workout. For socks, you want them to be cushioned, but not so thick that your shoes are
too snug.