Patience is a Virtue

This saying is true. Patience is one of those things that can make life go more smoothly. However, a lack of patience or impatience can cause serious problems in life, including health issues. Although some things trigger impatience more quickly than others, there are a number of things that can calm us down and help us enjoy life one day – or minute – at a time.


What triggers your impatience? Some people get impatient in certain situations or by circumstances, such as with their job or a family situation. Others may lose their patience when they are driving or cooking. For those who lose patience with their job or family situation, it can be difficult to address this issue – and even harder to fix it. One of the best ways to deal with family and job situations that are stressful or cause impatience is to acknowledge it first, then focus on anything that may help relieve tension.

Seek help

Try focusing on pleasant things in your life. If a certain task at your job is causing you to be impatient, ask your supervisor or a co-worker for assistance or suggestions. They may have a better way of dealing with it or may be able to adjust your workload. The problem with many of us is that we do not want to ask for help. We want to be able to take on everything when we simply are unable to do it.

If it is a family situation, often the best way to handle it is to talk about it, which can be difficult. Again, many tend to shy away or avoid difficult situations. However, getting it out in the open and talking about it is often the best solution. Seek outside help if a difficult situation causes severe impatience. The situation itself may not cause the impatience, but it may trigger something in you that causes you to be impatient.

Focus on other things

If you get impatient while driving, cooking, or doing some other routine task, you may need to relax and just breathe. These are common tasks that are performed every day. You could try relaxing before you start or listening to music while doing any of these tasks. Be grateful that you can do routine tasks. Some people wish they cook or drive but are not able to for any number of reasons. So appreciate the fact that you are able to perform these tasks. It will help you to focus on the task at hand, but it may also make you less impatient.