Discover Proven Debt Relief…Christian Debt Consolidation

Do you know for sure Christian debt consolidation is legitimate and not just a scam? The truth is there are some of the so called “Christian Debt Consolidation” companies that are rip offs. However, there are many very legitimate, non-profit, faith based organizations to help Christians. There are some specific things you should check for … Read more

Discover The Truth About Your Personal Credit Report

Were you aware your personal credit report can be the determining factor in your getting a job? Did you know your private credit report can cause your personal auto and life insurance rates to go up? Just for your information it can also stop you from being insured. Now did that get your attention? If … Read more

Do You Need Credit and Debt Counseling

Why are you drowning in financial debt? You realize there is help out there just for you? However, when you seek out credit and debt counseling it’s important for you to be prepared to put a plan in place. These services are professionals and will need your cooperation. The tips in this article will help … Read more

How To Find And Check Out A Consumer Credit Counseling Agency

Are you and your family desperate for relief from your creditors? Are you receiving: 1. Bill collection notices in the mail 2. Bill collection phone calls 3. Threats of wage garnishment 4. Threats of legal action 5. Threats of car repossession 6. And the list goes on Are you looking for a possible solution to … Read more

How To Get Your Instant Credit Report And Other Credit Tips

Are you at the point in your life where you are going to making some serious financial decisions which will impact the rest of your life? One such decision could be the purchase of your very first home. But you just don’t know if your credit worthy or not. There is a way you can … Read more

How You Can Profit With Your Business Credit Report

As a small business person one of the most important assets you have is your Business Credit Report? Along with your own personal character and a good credit report you can just about name your own ticket in your local community. Furthermore it can help you expand you business to the far reaches of the … Read more

Part 1: Discover The Truth About Credit Report Repair

Did you just try to get a loan for car repairs and get turned down? That is a horrible feeling and it even makes you feel you have let your family and yourself down. Right? Don’t get desperate and run out to hire a company to do a credit report repair. You may find yourself … Read more

Part 1: Secrets About Debt Negotiating And Protecting Your Rights

You’re sitting at dinner with your family and the telephone rings. It’s a bill collector and they are demanding you pay them right now. Today! Tonight! Guess What? You don’t have to do that. You have the right to what is called debt negotiating. Very simply put this means when you are in financial trouble … Read more

Part 2: Discover The Truth About Credit Report Repair

Did you know that credit report repair may be one of the biggest scams ever perpetrated on you the American Consumer? This article is a continuation of Part 1 of “Discover The Truth About Credit Report Repair”. Many of the companies and individuals, which have bilked you he consumer, out of thousands of dollars have … Read more

Part 2: Secrets About Debt Negotiating And Protecting Your Rights

First let’s get a brief review of Part 1 and then move into Part 2 of “Secrets About Debt Negotiating And Protecting Your Rights”. If you are in financial trouble in the United States and other countries you have the right to debt negotiating. In other words you can bargain with your lenders to try … Read more