Finding The Ingredients For Your Raw Food Diet

Raw food diets have become very popular with many people throughout the world. This kind of diet provides many health benefits and advantages to all who use it. However, getting started in a raw food diet can be a bit of a challenge, not only in the actual transition from a traditional diet to a … Read more

Why You Need A Raw Food Diet

Those who do not really know what a raw food diet is might think it’s a diet that only rabbits might like. These same people might think that a raw food diet is equal to a vegetarian diet in that a person on a raw diet eats nothing but fruits and vegetables, hence the thinking … Read more

Getting the Acid-Alkali Balance Right on the Raw Food Diet

Raw food diets are a natural way to help us maintain good health, increase our energy, avoid some serious health risks and enjoy earths’ bounty in the way that Nature intended. There are many different raw foods available for us to eat too. There are a large number of different fruits, nuts, vegetables, and meats … Read more

Heat – the Enemy of Nutrients

From the time we’re small children, we’re taught to be careful with matches. Why? Well, beyond the obvious concern of burning the house down, our parents don’t want us to get burned! Even just going to the beach for the day; what do we do? We apply sunscreen, lest we get burned. Anyone who has … Read more

How To Get Started On A Raw Food Diet

Getting started on a raw food diet is not all that difficult but does require some attention to your body to the foods you will be buying and preparing. For some people there really isn’t much preparation involved, while for others there is more. Preparation will basically be a matter of taste and choice. However, … Read more

Human vs. Ape in the Raw Food Diet

Some people say that a raw food diet is not right for people. They say we were meant to eat meat; so, we should eat lots of it. Yet, evolutionary biology tells us that we have a lot in common with the great apes. In fact, in a comparison of our DNA, scientists kept finding … Read more

Raw Food Diets And Children

Many people within the medical community, as well as those outside of it, are seeing the positive benefits of raw food diets. People and their doctors are seeing rapid weight reduction, a balance in blood pressure levels, and other health benefits. With such positive results many families are looking to incorporate raw food diets into … Read more