Mountain Biking: Five-Point Rule when Riding Downhill

Riding downhill is probably the most exciting part of mountain biking. But this doesn’t mean that you have to ride hard like there’s no tomorrow. There is a big difference between having fun and wiping out. Take these 5 simple advices to ride down the hill in one piece instead of spending the rest of … Read more

Mountain Biking: Getting Started

Jump starting mountain biking as a hobby can be a bit scary for many individuals for one reason: they basically do not know where to start. Here, learn the basic things you need to know to get you started. Bike and Gears If you are starting off from scratch, you need to think of buying … Read more

Mountain Biking: Keeping the Fun Side Alive!

Let us face it, most of us have the best intentions when we start mountain biking. And during the first few months of riding, the enthusiasm is high. You even tell to yourself, “this time I am serious and will not quit.” You ride for hours several times a week; shop sets of bike gears; … Read more

Mountain Biking: Racing for the First Time

Contrary to the popular notion that only the very strong, well-sponsored and aggressive riders can enter a competitive mountain biking race, everyone – even you – can become part of it. Who can race? Everyone! Most mountain bike race events are divided into different categories: gender, age and ability. So even if you are just … Read more

Basic Mountain Biking Skills

Taking the first stride is always the hardest thing to do so I have compiled the basic mountain biking skills you should possess to get you started. For some, these are very obvious; for beginners, these are very helpful. Brake better, go faster Every sports car has 2 things in common: large engine and high-performance … Read more

Mountain Biking Safety Tips

Plan your trip Safety begins in planning and right preparation. Learn as much information about the trail as you can; notarize local authorities, acquire advance weather forecast; check your bike; develop necessary biking skills; improve your endurance and strength; and prepare the necessary items for the trip. These are some of the things you must … Read more

Before Buying a Mountain Bike

This aims to help you make an educated purchase that will lead you on the right mountain bike. • Know what type of biking you want This will set the standard of your bike as well as its price. Mountain bikes are not created equal. They are designed for a specific style and terrain. Your … Read more

Mountain Biking Survival Tips

Man does not ride with bike alone. On the trail, he needs several things in order to survive. He needs different items, proper attitude and right knowledge to stay safe. The mountain biking survival tips are as follows: Water and food Whether it is summer or in the middle of the winter season, you as … Read more

Getting Ready for Mountain Biking Race!

If you have gone bored with casual biking and have decided to enter a race for the first time, then you have some preparations to do. Below are the ways to get ready for your very first mountain biking race: Pre-race Preparation Upcoming races should be known as early as possible. This will help you … Read more

Mountain Biking Trip: What to Bring?

If you are setting out for a mountain biking trip, there are essential things you need to bring. I suggest you consider carrying the following items: Bike Obviously you need to have a bike. But I don’t mean an ordinary bike. You see, not all mountain bikes are the same. Each is made for a … Read more